Snacks Not Included

A film, TV and pop culture podcast

Every good podcast needs it’s own theme music

Snacks Not Included Theme Music

By on June 2, 2023

Hello family, we are finally getting ready for launch and every good podcast needs it’s own theme music.

Tendai has been in the music studio working on the Snacks Not Included theme which will feature on all episodes, with a special little twist in each show.

Snacks Not Included Theme

We’ll make the full length Snacks Not Included theme a free download to all those who join our Patreon. Supporting us on Patreon helps us to bring you quality content and to grow the podcast with you. For joining you’ll receive bonus episodes, shout outs, giveaways and other bonus content.

Snacks Not Included will be officially launching real soon.

We can’t wait

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